Installing uDeploy Server and Agents

Part II- Learn uDeploy Installation

While Part-1 was just a quick intro on uDeploy as a tool for continuous deployment/delivery; this section will state the steps to be followed for installing uDeploy server and uDeploy agents on a Linux machine. We will refer to the trial version for installing the tool.

Pre-requisites for installing uDeploy Server & Agent

* Java Development Kit (JDK)- v8, to be set as a system variable

* Server database (Oracle, DB2, MySQL, SQL Server)

Steps to install uDeploy Server-

Step 1–> Download the latest version of uDeploy server. For example, if you are evaluating this tool, then download the free trial from below location-

Just register to above link and get the downloadable file.

uDeploy Server Trial version

Step 2 –> Initiate the installation process by executing the following Linux commands-

  • sudo -s
  • cd /opt
  • copy uDeploy zip file downloaded
  • unzip uDeploy zip file
  • cd ibm-ucd-install
  • ./ 

The above commands will start the installation. The last command will prompt for license acceptance. Proceed on the steps with default options. You will be prompted again with admin password. Enter the password and complete the process. The following snapshot will confirm for a successful installation-

Successful installation of uDeploy server

Step 3 –> Start uDeploy service by executing the following commands-

  • cd /opt/ibm-ucd/server/bin and run
  • ./server start

Step 4 –> Open the browser to check if the uDeploy server application is running and type in the following URL-

https://<ip address of your machine>:8443

Replace the <> with the ip of your machine with port 8443. As the application opens, click on the Advanced button.

Note– If there is an error on this page, check if 8843 port is enabled or not.

Step 5 –> You will now be prompted for admin username and password. Enter the same for a successful login-

uDeploy Server Credentials Page

A successful login, will land you on the admin console and we will now install uDeploy agents.

Step 6–> Login into the machine on which the uDeploy agent is to be installed. Remember you do need to have admin rights to perform this installation. Run the following Linux commands –

  • cd /opt
  • wget –no-check-certificate {provide copied uDeploy agent URL link}
  • unzip
  • cd ucd-agent-install
  • ./

Follow the default options for installing the uDeploy agent.

Step 7 –> Post successful agent installation, we need to start the agent so that the server can sense the agent.

  • cd /opt/ibm-ucd/agent/bin
  • ./agent start

Step 8 –> Now, access the uDeploy server to check for the installed agent. Click on the option ‘Resource-> Agents’ to verify-

Validate uDeploy Agents on uDeploy Server

The above option will display list of agents that are online, take a look at below snapshot-

uDeploy Agent Status

That’s it.. we have our uDeploy server and agent installed. And now we are ready to design a workflow to automate the deployment process. But that is something reserved for the next part. So, keep watching !!