We all are associated with numbers from the day we are born. Some of us decide child names based on the sum of the alphabets…we call it numerology. We have numbers all around us …our height, weight, apartment number, eye sight, marksheets, performance metrics… list is endless. For some of us the number 7 is lucky while for some the number 13 is unlucky. For some passing the borderline is victory while for some scoring 100% is a target…whatever the case be. ..we all have importance of numbers in our lives.
My new year resolution for 2019 is to control weight and stay fit. My concern was how to start and from where. I first researched and installed an app that baselined my current weight and then allowed me to set a target weight for the next 3 months. I am not in a hurry… want to be patient in reducing the weight…walk alot in a day and stay fit. The app calculated my daily intake of calories and helped me to track my meal intake everyday . It’s becoming a habit …. I enter my food intake …analyse the quantity and the amount that will suit me and …yo…. the numbers are helping me …. the first 3 weeks were difficult but inspiring..I am able to track my daily intake… Track my weight and steps…..it’s motivating now. This routine provokes me questions …. whether to opt for fried or baked ..whether 200 ml of milk is good or just 100 ml.. whether protein intake should be 2 scoops or just 1 scoop….. And I decide wisely……the number game!!
Do you have any such recent incident where ‘numbers’ mattered you ??